Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Outcast of Poker Flat

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcasts deaths, who/what whould you blame and why?
Uncle Billy
-Citizens or Poker Flat
-Bad luck

In my opinion, I blame the citizens of Poker Flat. First, I think that they are to blame to because they are the people who got them out of their town. They accused them of only one thing. That was that they were not worthy. The people from Poker Flat misjusdge them. Although, they were responsible for their own appearance. The outcasts were really not bad people.
Mr. Oakhurst was a gambler, but he did not drink or do anything bad to Poker Flat. The only reason that everyone wanted him out was because he had "stolen" all their money. In position of Tom and Piney, they didn't deserve this. They were just a nice couple going to a town. They wouldn't have stopped if they hadn't met Uncle Billy, Duchess, or Mother Shipton. These people all stayed in a place were they were not supported by any food or materials. They wouldn't last long. Their whole destination or paths could all have been different if the citizens hadn't pushed them out to a cold coming place.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

Desiree's Baby

This story in particular I liked. I think this because it has a great effect on the reader in the end. I think that it has a wide detailed contribution to "racism". It was real shocking to discover that this was a huge mistake a man could ever do to his family. It was gruesome in my point of view to see that this man burned every little detail of his family. I learned from this story a type of reaction that a man or anyone would have on this type of case. I learned how racism contributed to many things in this story. I really disliked the end, and how Armand would probably not get his family back.

The Story of an Hour

In my point of view this was a real dramatic story. It surprised me more to learn that this woman was so looking forward to her freedom, to find out that her illusions would fall down. I think that this story had a great diverse idea about freedom. In this case, the idea of freedom is in marriage. How a woman feels put down by her husband. He is like a nightmare and she hopes to soon end this. Another reason why I liked this story was because it reflected a woman's feelings and could be connected to real life problems.

The Blind Man

This is my favorite story because it shows a great contrast in between a poor and blind man, to a rich and not blind man. It showed that even the widest could be dumb at a point. I learned that someone would really appriciate your help like the blind man. I could also learn to be more helpfu;, and not be like the people from the town. They were careless and were disturbed by the man's presence. I disliked though that the author didn't put a happy ending.

Friday, April 24, 2009

"Dr.Heidegger's Experiment"

My Observations: To begin this experiment I tested the water from the Fountain of Youth. My dear old friends had no idea of what I was going to give to them. I took hold of a fifty-five year old rose. I explained to them what I was about to do. That rose was born again. I told them that if they took these drinks they become younger. As they did, I could see that Widow Wycherley's face cleared from her deep wrinkles! It was really working. Mr. Medbourne, Colonel Killigrew , and Mr. Gascoigne could stand up straight. But then the strange things started happening. They started to act a little funny. They started to dance, and now the big problem rose. My friends wanted more. I told them to be careful, and to think about what they were about to do. This was a second chance beign given to them. But I was disapointd. Things did not come to the way I planned it to. Once, all of them looked at each other in their yunger ways. All three men gathered around Wycherley to dance with her. I recorded everything that happened in a notebook.She did not say yes or no to them. One thing that catched my eye though, was that once one of them moved to look in their mirror, they appeared the same, old. Their behavior did not chang in all afternoon. But the effects seemed to be going away. Everyone started panicking. They were really hoping to stay like this forever. I couldnt do anything or explain why this happened. To my impression, they were angry and decided that they would look for this Fountain. I could not stop them, for I was sure that their mistakes were going to be made over again.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's Baby, The Sequel

It took him a moment to realize what the letter was saying. It just couldn't be. What had he done. He had taken out the only woman he once ever loved. A child of his, and he denied it since he saw the color of his skin. If he knew earlier. This is why he had come to America, and explain the reason mother didn't want to come. He was a slave himself. Armand had become really furious. It was this that had broughten his family now. Armand felt anger towards his mother. It was she who had broughten him to the world. He had no one know.
For days he knew nothing about his wife and son. He had spent eating his anger through every drop of alcohol he drank. His slaves could do nothing to stop him, and Armand just was not the same as he treated them before. He felt that his mother was in between them somewhere. His mother was dead now, or was it a lie?
A month later, Armand was walking up the steps to Valmonde's home. He was decided that he would get his family back. One of the slaves opened the door. The woman led him up to Desiree's room. As he entered he could see that she was lying the baby down in her bed. He was asleep. She looked at him with confusing eyes.
"What are you doing here?" I thought you were on a business trip.
"I....came back to get what was mines. You and my only son.Please, I made an enormous mistake. I need to talk to you about my real past. While the fire, I found and old letter that my mother had given my father before retrieving to this land. It told my father that it was lucky when I didn't show the resemblence of her, a slave. My mother was one of them. Im the reason why our son was born like this.
"You must sell them. If you know who you truly are let them go. Otherwise, you or us can really get in serious problems with the laws of this town. Move in with us. " she ordered.
Slaves were let go, and Armand moved in. From then on they had a tough job of rising up together. He was not sure wether to look for his mother, or not.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter, would you do it, especially if you know the effects of the surgery would only be temporary? Why or why not? Use examples from the book.

If I was given a choice to have an operation that would make me much smarter I would take it. Even though if I know that the effects of the sugery would only be temporary. I would take this operation because I would believe that I can improve many things in my life during this point of time. Charlie is a man who to learn must take a really amount of time. All of a sudden, he goes into an operation because he is most determined than ever to become smart. Who wouldn't want to become at least a bit smart? When this happens he realizes many things that have an effect in his life. He experiences new things. Because of this I would like to take this chance. Maybe I can imrpove things around my environment. Like the way im living and change that. Even though im going back to normal, i would still have the benefit of having something fixed around me. A safe place as example too. In the story, Charlie has become a part of the doctor's experiment. He is running this to try to study many things of his kind and condition of his mind. Therefore, his contribution works to help out these doctors find out more. Maybe they can help out other people like him. This is why I'd take the operation.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapters 8-The End

Family : This story says that family is supposed to be about one not messing up. In other words, don't do anyhting that can embarrase the family out in public. For example, we read that Roger Button told Benjamin from the start to make some deep big changes. The reason why is to hide who Benjamin really is, and for no one to know that that old man was his son. He was trying to aviod any embarrasment. Another example from the story was how Roger told Benjamin to always call him by another name out when being in public. So, the man had to do everything he could to not mess up or get attention.

Age: This story says that age will affect how others feel for you. For example, as Mrs. Benjamin Button was growing older, Benjamin felt really annoyed by her. She did not attract him at all. Here the cause for this to happen was age. Another example would be on how Benjamin's dad knowing that he was old enough, gave him a rattle in order for him to feel like he was really a son and normal. Once Benjamin Button had a son, he grew old too. When Benajmin was finally young, His son Roscoe did not care for him. He was getting younger, and by his appearance, it made Roscoe feel in higher authority. This is how his age affected Roscoe's feelings.

Beauty: In this story, Beauty is what you look like and not what you are. One kind of example would be Benjamin's wife. Here beauty was attraction, and not her character.As time passed,Benjamin wasn't attracted to her, beauty was missing. This happened in another way too. It happened in the case of Benjamin. He dyed his hair and did everything possible to make an image of a younger person. His father did not take his son as who he was. In my opinion this is the part where the looks were more important.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjmin Button, Chapters 3-7

After reading Chapters 3-7, predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter and give your solutions for each.

Problem #1: I think that one of the problems that Benjamin Button will encounter is the higher age of his wife. Because he feels not attracted to her already, something else might get his eye. Benjamin might start losing his family, and even worse.
Solution: I think that the only solution that there is is to keep away from any other woman, and try to keep a close relationship with his son.
Problem #2: A second problem that I think Benjamin will encounter is how little by little he will lose a skil. Since he is appears to get younger each day, he might only know how to do certain things. If he gets even younger, his family would be really surprised.
Solution: A solution to this prblem I think should be to tell his son and wife about what is happening to him.
Problem #3: The third problem that he might encounter is the view points of the public. They might think that he is crazy and obsessed with getting to be younger. If he does one wrong move the town people will think he is careless if his family.
Solution: The solution would be to just let it go on, but try to do any negative things that will make other people have negative views of him.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks and is worried about what people are going to say. What should he do?
First of all, if he was so concerned about the way he looked, he wouldn't have bought what he did. The pink pants, and dotted socks? He obviously just doesn't know what he's doing. Well, Roger is a wealthy man, and probably what he would do is hide the old man just to not get embarrased. But I think, that if he doesn't want people to know his son, he should simply state that his baby had died. if not, then he should take another path. This one is trying as hard as he can to simply accept the truth. He may have his tough times, but if the son is what he always wanted, then he should make the right decision and tell everyone he is his son. I'd say that beacuse he alreasy is a wealthy man, he'd attract more attention. The only reason why is because of his son. A good view to this side of the story is in how everyone will be interested in him and his son.

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, Chapter 1

What would you have done if you were Roger Button in Chapter 1?
In chapter one, I think I would be really shocked. No one has ever had a kid like this. One thing I would do from the start is go buy clothes for the seventy year old man. I would try to talk to the doctor to see if he knows how or why might of this happened. Also, I think that after a while, I would just stare at the man looking how is he like us in ways. Another thing I would do is go check on the mother and ask her what had happened to see if this was true. I just wouldn't believe it.I think that the mother wouldn't either. By then, I'd known that this kind of case wasn't going to be as easy. I think that the man was going to need a lot of care even though he is old. He might need medical attention too because as they get older they have many problems. It was going to take up money, he was an adult, and pretty much needed of what we have.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Yesterday, Today

Nobody can ever replace you
You are a one and only
You are going away now
Can I let go?I remember you and me as if it was yesterday
But now those days are going to be long far away
Your warming hugs
And your annoying tugs
For ever we are friends
It’s been two years
This is our last
But I’ll wait for your call
With so much to do, maybe it’s more convenient in the fall
Let’s stop
And take a step outside that door because you and I are taking a long walk